When most people think of maritime jobs, they picture people operating, navigating or even loading a ship. Many maritime jobs – and sometimes among the most dangerous – have nothing to do with any of those things. One of those is seafood processing. Seafood processors...
Maritime Law
How can seamen face injuries out at sea?
Life at sea has its challenges, and among them are the risks of injury that seamen face. Whether working on a commercial vessel, a fishing boat or a cruise ship, seamen encounter various hazards. Understanding these risks is important for both seamen and those who...
Common hazards on seafaring vessel decks
Deckhands on seafaring vessels face unique challenges and hazards inherent to the maritime environment. The demanding nature of their work, combined with the unpredictable conditions of the sea, can expose them to significant risks. The isolation of being at sea can...
Cruise vacations sometimes lead to injury instead of relaxation
Those who plan a cruise vacation often want to let go and relax. They don't want to drive, worry about their meals or micromanage the family itinerary. A cruise means that someone else has responsibility for everything from food to transportation in most cases. It can...
How much time do have to file a claim if you are hurt at sea?
Every job has its share of occupational hazards. And maritime jobs are no exception. If you are hurt while working at sea or on sea-going vessels, you may be entitled to financial restitution for the resulting injuries and other damages per the Jones Act. However,...
Committing crimes in international waters
Maritime crimes encompass a wide range of illicit activities at sea. Their impact extends far beyond the ocean's horizon. However, international waters present a unique legal challenge when it comes to criminal activities. Committing a crime on the high seas poses a...
Can loss of consortium claims protect an injured seaman’s spouse?
When your seafaring partner is injured, everything changes. It can shake the strong foundation of your marriage. It can also leave you with emotional, physical and financial challenges. This is where the loss of consortium steps in. It is a legal path that protects...
Is the cruise ship company responsible if I contract Legionnaires’ disease?
While the COVID-19 pandemic severely impacted the cruise ship industry for a few years, the sector appears ready for recovery. In its recent industry report, the Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) found that 85% of travelers who have previously gone on a...
The rules are different out at sea
Texas is one of the states located beside a body of water, the Gulf of Mexico. It is home to business operations that require their employees to be out at sea. Being out at sea can present complex and hazardous issues. Even though you live in Texas and your employer...
What is an unseaworthiness claim?
Many consider the maritime industry one of the most dangerous jobs due to the extreme working conditions brought about by the open sea. Unfortunately, aside from the dangers of the high seas, vessel crews are also at risk of injuries due to the ship or boat being...